Last weekend we were both interviewed by Angela Owens of the ABC radio about our art, Open Studio Day and our coming exhibition at Damien Minton Gallery Annex Opening Tuesday night 6pm - 8pm 9th October 2012.
Angela was assisted with her colleague Skye and Tom Thompson whom spoke about the history of the artists here at Hill End and his collection. Tom and his wife Elizabeth are currently restoring one of the evocative 1870 cottages in Hill End.
You can hear it on
Yoga Rabbit |
Green bird |
We also have printed and sent off a beautiful selection of letterpress stationery which is now available in the National Library shop in Canberra.
Open Studio Day was again a big success and all the people that attended were such a delightful crowd whom so enjoyed the enthusiasm and effort that the artists are putting into Hill End today. Keeping the tradition of arts strongly alive and active.
The sun shone on the day like you wouldn't believe and it was just perfect weather to walk around our very pretty town.
I have been in the garden again and nearing the end of digging up, it seems like hundreds and hundreds of artichokes in a very small area of dirt, quite astounding how these have multiplied.
I love them in the summer time when they grow tall and sway in the wind with a yellow flower resembling a sunflower, which is the family they are related to but the time has come for a change as they really do over take everything. I'm sure I will miss a few and they will spring up again, but just a few is fine and I can keep on top of it.
Finished another painting the other day, well I think it's finished, or I've just declared it's finished as it's been a wrestle from the word go. But it's a curious one and a bit of a change from the others. So I will leave it looking curious and leave it to breathe its own personality.
The studio has had another 3 loads of gravel loaded onto the base and leveled out, but you know it needs more so all in all it will be about 10 truck loads to form a base for the slab. We have found out that we don't have to leave it to long to settle before the concrete is poured which is a relief are we are so keen to have this up and running before the next winter. Aiming at it being our Christmas present!