I feel really good about our efforts, mainly because its all come from us, our drawings, designs have all been incubated here in Hill End, its very much our own and I feel really very proud of that.
Bill and I would wrestle about clip art, me wanting to have reprieve and from the creative endeavour and sneak a clip art in, but Bill would say no no no, do your own ideas. Make it our own. For my part it was keeping up the creativity, which usually is fine but our workload this year was phenomenal with our art exhibitions, building the studio with the help of our friends ( We are forever grateful guys) Swinging from fine art to design, but what I did in the end was just let it all merge and brought in lots of in the moment thinking, no plans, just one step in front of the other.
The idea of a plan or a future from the word go was thrown out the window, this sounds crazy, as they are useful its true, but I've learnt it only makes one more concerned about the future and comparing to regrettable past events. Always aiming to make things better the next time.
This only makes it all the more harder to enjoy the fully satisfying brief moments which when we look back on our lives will probably be the most important ones.
What this did was calm everything and kept my and our thinking strong, I am such a meditation addict now, its all our talk about besides the garden.
So I have just finished photographing the designs and now for the last big slog with a quick dash is our website, which I have worked on in increments as I've gone along, just to glue it all together and our date of completion is this Friday, so the last push of this stage.
The we can socialize! Not that we don't but more and I oh so want to go to the theatre which is one thing I really miss living in the country.
So for all our family, friends who have supported us 100% through all of this new adventure, thankyou from the bottom of our hearts. We love you.
Speak soon
All is well in Hill End